Bergen, a picturesque city nestled between majestic mountains and a breathtaking fjord, it had always been my dream destination. The allure of its picturesque beauty, its charming waterfront, and its vibrant culture had captivated my imagination for years. So, when the opportunity finally presented itself, I eagerly embarked on a journey to this Norwegian gem, ready to spend three unforgettable days exploring the city of my dreams.
Tag: #travelling
How to become an expert traveller!
Exploring the world can take a lot of work, but thankfully for us, there are many ways to make things easier and even lower costs. However, travelling comes with its own set of trails and tribulations and as such, there are many tricks that will make your life on the road easier. With this in mind, here are some more travel tips to help you become an expert traveller.
How to be a better traveller!
One of my favourite things about travel is the opportunity to see new things! Sure, there’s the whole hassle of planning the actual logistics of the trip (which contrary to how that sounds, I actually enjoy), not to mention the dent that travel makes to your wallet but once these barriers are crossed, travel is one of the most exciting ways to open yourself to new things and experiences.
Travel tips to make you a better traveller!
Most people aren’t born savvy travellers. It’s something that only comes with experience. In the beginning, you make a lot of travel mistakes. Travel savviness is a process born of missed buses, foolish behaviour, cultural unawareness, and countless tiny errors. Then, one day, you begin to seamlessly move through airports and integrate yourself into new cultures like a fish to water.